I saw the job posting at craigslist and I applied right away. I met Elizabeth and Minnie, the camp directors, during my interview. The meeting was sort of orientation, that's when I realized that I would be hired. Three days later, they called me. Two months later, I was in front of kids and parents at 745am greeting them, leading them to the auditorium. My fun fun fun experience as camp counselor began.
We counselors were given different art classes where we helped the teachers and supervised the students with their work. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, my classes were Hocus Pocus (Magic class), Taekwondo, Yoga, and Lego Robotics. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, my classes were two Acrylics classes (with different teachers and students), Popstarz, and Pastel perfection. I met different kids in this camp and they are children of the people working for the media industry.
We had theme days most of the time. We had Pajama Day, Rock star day, Cartoon Day, Superhero day, and Crazy Hair Day. My co-counselors, 15 of us, got along pretty well. We had jobs starting an hour before camps starts in the morning until 30mins after camp ends in the afternoon.We were also divided into two lunch breaks. I was in the 2nd break. The one I got closest to was Nare, a 20-yr old Armenian girl who is going to UC Berkeley this fall. We shared stories everyday during lunch and when we were both supervising the kids in the cubbie area when they got their lunches.
Here are some pics of the 4-wk camp! Enjoy!
She just got out from her Stage Makeup class
Lego Robotics class
Cartoon Day
Getting messy in Acrylics class
Showing off their pastel masterpieces
Cubbie area
Crazy hair Day with some counselors-in-training
Nare with two boys on Rock Star Day