Wednesday, May 16, 2007

random updates

- yes, i didn't vote and i didnt feel guilty about it. papa got angry but he cannot force me.*wink*
- im sort of productive today! yay!!
- got hold of an acceptance letter from a US college. name there was rico bolos. uh-oh.. i returned it and told them to give me another letter with my correct name on it...right now!*kidding*
- my baby bro is going to pre-school this june. i cannot wait to accompany mama buy his uniforms, shoes, pencils, crayons, etc.
- my nene is sleeping now with his cam on. im glad hes not snoring.hahahha
- there are many things to look forward to this year and im sooooo excited!


Anonymous said...

wow bai ha.... =)

Kodsy said...

grabeh...hi dennis...hahaha

thisisGod'sdaughter said...

nice to meet you dennis - rico wahahhaa