Friday, July 10, 2009


It's been a long time huh. Well, been going around LA for job interviews. I finally got a job in downtown. It's with an online business company. I am one of the secretaries/clerks who work closely with the owner. I like the job because it is busy and there is no idle time. There are just so many things to do.

Good news!I already passed the California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET) and I can already teach anywhere in the state. I am actually hoping for a full-time teaching job this coming September but if I cannot, it is still okay. It is still a win-win situation for me. I already have a job. I went to a teaching job interview last Wednesday and I had a 45-minute teaching demo. Well, the experience was really good. Let us wait and see and pray.

So working in the US is not easy. I need to leave the house at 6:30am so I can make it to work at 8am. Every night, I arrive around 7am at home. By that time, I am already tired. But it's still fun to cook and press my housewife mode button whenever I get home. Alex does not arrive until around 7:30pm so I usually make sure food is ready before he arrives.

What else can I say? Well, I need a car soon. I will save up for that.

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