Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week 16 - Nasal Congestion

Last Sunday night, I could not sleep. I could not breathe properly. I had a really bad nasal congestion. It was the worst I have ever had in my life. I cried and cried, slowly breathing through my mouth. I thought it was just allergies. At this time of the year, sneezes and flu-ish feeling are always my best friends but I have never ever felt this bad. The next morning, I felt horrible but I had to get up to go teach. Before I dressed up, I checked my emails. There was the email that was the answer to my dilemma! The subject was "Week 16 - Nasal Congestion." Waaaaaaah. knew everything! The article recommended saline nasal spray and neti pot. I bought both that afternoon. They mad me feel better but the congestion is not gone at all!

It has been 6 days now but the congestion is still here. I was absent at school for 2 days. This nasal congestion is the worst symptom ever! I was even hopeful that I'd feel better this 2nd trimester because I no longer throw up and get hungry as much. I really really really hope this will go away soon.

As for academics, four more weeks to go and I will be graduating as a Trojan! I cannot wait! The state tests (RICA, CBEST, CSET) are done. The state requirements (CAT and PACT) are also done. That was a long journey being at USC but here I am -- almost done! Almost credentialed! Aside from my remaining coursework, I still have one more requirement to pass - the US requirement exam. I plan to take it a week from now.

As for our moving to the new apartment, everything is well. I am happy we are at a bigger place right now. We are still looking for a dining table. Alex still has to build our desks from the dismantled parts (due to moving). One major thing still has to happen. Alex has to bring the rest of our stuff - clothes, shoes, etc. - from our old place. We will be all set when Alex gets time to do all these. Yes, Alex - my hero. He doesn't want me to work and help out because I am pregnant. =)

There are so many things that are happening lately and it is overwhelming. Alex always tells me to relax and not pressure myself. I do not know how to do that. There are always new things to do.

And oh, I am planning to go back to cross stitching! When I am done with my grad studies, I wanna do master pieces and display them in our simple abode. I am so excited! My ultimate masterpiece is this:

The pattern was worth $7 from a certain website. I am so excited! Watch me!

Nasal Congestion. Grad studies. Pregnancy. Work. Moving in. Cross stitch. How am I going to do this? Go figure!


Arjay Arellano said...

I'm glad you have your new apartment na Rix :) New home, new baby! God is so gooood!!! Take care!

Anonymous said...

try to stay loose bai and all the best to your growing family : )