Saturday, February 22, 2014


   Right now is the best time to update my blog after a long time of not writing. It is Sabbath, Cinzia is a bit under the weather, and we are home. She is taking a nap in this quiet afternoon, and I am stuck with nobody to talk to since Alex is at church.

   So many things had happened. I have learned so many things about me since I got married, moved to US, etc. I did not know that one actually continues to know more about him/herself even at almost 30.

1. I realized that I am not a housewife material. I tried very hard, but I am just not good at it. I am not good at cleaning, organizing, taking care of Cinzia, etc.

2. I love being busy. Ironically, this is not in relation with #1. I like to study, beat deadlines, learn new things, etc. This is the reason why school breaks make me miserable. I cannot just NOT do nothing.

3. I still want to become a lawyer. I have taken the necessary first steps - prayer, self-reflection, going to information sessions, read "Should I be a lawyer" books, and practicing LSATs.

4. I am not sure anymore if I still want a 2nd baby. It's unfair if I cannot make enough time for him/her because I do not like doing "home" chores.

5. I still like setting goals and making them happen. I like listing them down, their pros and cons, and formulating plan B for each in case it doesn't not push through.

6. I have finally found the adjective that best describes me - GRITTY! This researcher/teacher whom I "met" in one of my classes at taught me the word. Grit is living life like a marathon, not a sprint. It is working really hard to make your goals/dreams a reality. Even if you fail, you get up and start again. That's me.

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