Sunday, August 27, 2006

my friend pluto...

one thing i like being with nature is the feeling of exclusivity. i love to be with my fellow creatures and think that we are just one - all created by the Master Maker up there.

look at Mt. Hibok hibok, the clean waters, the white sand and me in the volcanic island of you think God was happy looking at us all when this picture was taken? i think He was...

about my friend Pluto, i do not feel sorry for him. i am sure he still feels special for he knows he is a beautiful creature, demoted or not, re-classified or not. he knows he is just one of the many planet creatures of God and he's happy he's not alone. even if people on earth forget his existence, he wont care. he knows he's just there with his companion planets and his Creator is loving him just the same. he need not despair.

who makes the qualifications of a planet? the astronauts? the NASA? of course not! they are not the ones who created Pluto or any other planet. only God can say which are planets and which are not. Pluto knows he is a planet so whether he's re-classified or not, he knows he will remain a planet. God tells him so and he believes Him. The scientists cannot change that fact.

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