Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I was so mad last night. 'The Bachelor' is such a jerk.

He proposed to Melissa at the show's finale then he changed his mind 6 weeks later because he realized it's Molly he's in love with. What kind of guy is that?

DO not get me wrong, Melissa and Molly are two great girls. They are loveable and mature enough to handle a relationship but Jason, the guy, is such a fickle. Argh. I hate guys like that. He does not know how to take care of a girl's heart.

He already proposed to Melissa so he should be responsible enough to be true to his words. I like what Melissa said about engagement and marriage as a one-time thing. It's one stage in a person's life that you should not play with or take for granted. When you're engaged, you are already committed. There's no turning back. There's no backing out. If feelings change, work for it. Feelings come and go. Love is a decision. It's not based on feelings. I do not think Jason is ready for a commitment. Look, he is divorced and that means he can easily break a promise. And now, he breaks off an engagement. Again, he can easily break a promise. What kind of guy is that?

I like Melissa's parting words, "Do not call me. Do not text me anymore. Leave me alone, please." That was strong. That was courage.

If I were Molly, I'd have 2nd thoughts of accepting Jason back. She really should know more about him. His commitment is unquestionable. He can easily dump something. He can easily leave someone he promised the world to. He does not know what he is talking about. DOes he know what really love is? His statement, "Wish I can control what I feel. Wish I can control my mind" does not tell a person who knows what love is. Feelings are just part of love, but they are not the main ingredient of such a beautiful thing and so, yes, Jason, you can control your mind and heart by being responsible and mature. Grow up, man.

I have been with jerks before. They said they loved me but they're not strong enough to fight for the relationship with me. They did not know how to be the leaders of the relationship. They did not know how to care of my feelings. They did not know how to be responsible. Actually, they did not know what love is. I am so blessed to have ended up with Alex. Even if we have ups and downs, we always work for our relationship, and he leads the way. Love is an everyday thing. It's not an easy road to take but because we are committed to work it out, we are happy with each other every single day.

Love is commitment. Love is a principle. Love is a decision. Make that decision and the feelings will just follow.


Anonymous said...

i had an experience with a jerk like that just recently. it wasn't as big as an engagement, though, but still the same vein. i took it in stride. i believe girls shouldn't cry for boys who are like that.

Anonymous said...

i hear ya sister!!!

thisisGod'sdaughter said...

thanks girls!!makalagot lang ang mga jerks.girls dont deserve to be treated that way.=)

Anonymous said...

ayaw na kalagot. you've found the love of your life already. :)

Mrs.Glaze said...

hehe..yeah..praise God!

Ais said...

It's still a blessing for Molly that she knew early on that the guy wasn't the right one for her.