Wednesday, December 30, 2015

False positive

Three weeks ago, I thought I was pregnant. I tested on 3 different days, and they all tested ++, although the lines are not as strong as they should be. My friends said, positive is positive. My hcg level was high enough to get detected by these different brands of pregnancy tests. The 3rd one was even digital, and it said the P word!

Well, that week I was internalizing the fact that I was, indeed, pregnant. However, that Saturday, I bled - for just a day! It seemed like my first day of my period, but it only lasted for a day. Strange! Monday the week after, I went to see my OB, and it was confirmed that I am not pregnant. Her clinic drew blood from me, and she also did an ultrasound. My hcg level was 2, meaning I am not pregnant at all. 

What did I feel about this? Sad. Riiiggghhhttt, Alex and I are not really trying, but personally, I would like to get pregnant now than later. We have not closed the oven officially, and if we do not, I know I am going to get pregnant later. As an evidence, Cinzia was a condom baby. This supposed "pregnancy" was also a product of natural birth control. I am going to get pregnant, if we do not go through vasectomy or tie my tubes. Sigh**

Anyway, I am great. I do not feel sad anymore. Whatever God's will is...

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