Friday, December 31, 2010

Was I able to do my 2010 plans?

2010 was my craziest year ever since I migrated to the US. I did not expect grad school is that taxing and it would take most of my time. Let me review the plans I set for myself in 2010 and evaluate them:

In random order:

1. learn Spanish (seriously learn)---- no improvement at all!
2. start studying for MA + teaching credential ---- YES!
3. transfer to a bigger place ---- my biggest frustration but in 2 weeks we are moving to an apartment.
4. visit my home country (yay!!!) ---- nope. we planned it but I got pregnant so the baby is the priority.
5. buy Skechers running shoes ---- hmmm..I bought two for my parents.
6. visit my favorite relatives in Modesto ---- yes! but only once, or twice?
7. submit more to Alex's leadership ---- still working on it =)
8. pay off some debts (LOL) ---- YES!
9. learn how to drive and pass the driving test in one take ---- YES! YES! YES!

See, it was not that bad!LOL

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